Membership List Update

The Columbus Flyers Disc Golf Club would like to extend a warm welcome to all new members who have joined the club since March 2nd, 2023 (last list update). We appreciate your passion and enthusiasm for Columbus disc golf, and are excited to have you as a part of our club. Your membership enables us to continue providing top-notch disc golf courses and events throughout the Columbus area!

We would also like to remind all members that the membership list has been updated on our website. Please take a moment to review the list and ensure that your information is correct. If you notice any errors or need to update your information, please contact us here.

5/1/2023 Updated Membership List

Once again, thank you to all new members for your support of the Columbus Flyers Disc Golf Club. We look forward to seeing you out on the course and continuing to grow our community of disc golfers.


Kinslow DGC Work Day


2023 Mill Valley Shootout Guide